At the close of this crazy year, I catch up with Kristian Parton and Brendon Sing to find out what they've been up to since last being on the show.

Brendon updates us on the bid to ban shark fin importation to the UK and Kris touches base about his new Youtube channel, Shark Bites.

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Dive operators and dive pro's - I know this year has been particularly difficult for everyone in the industry. All we can do now is look forward and prepare for life to begin again. So, if you would like to highlight your location, your plans, how you've sustained yourselves through this epic travel drought then please do get in touch and let's get chatting. If an episode can bring you exposure then count me in!

Kristian's Youtube channel: Shark Bytes

Here more about the fab work Kristian has done during Episode #6

Shark Guardian's webpage

Brendon & Liz talk about Shark Guardian at length during Episode #2

Find out more at

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Nomadic Adventures is a registered Australian business and consists of the Scuba GOAT podcast and Nomadic Scuba, a travel booking agency specifically focused on scuba diving.

Are you a dive operation wishing to promote your business on the Scuba GOAT podcast and via Nomadic Scuba? If the answer is YES! then get in touch today via any of the media streams, email (, or WhatsApp at +61499021920, and let's start getting creative and tell the world about your services.

Nomadic Scuba not only promotes operators but provides an online concierge service to divers wishing to travel. With our expansive network, we have the knowledge and know-how to organize your dream vacation so let's get planning!

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