Jonathan Clark - Apex Harmony, Sea Shepherd

Jonathan Clark - Apex Harmony, Sea Shepherd

Sea Shepherd is an international, non-profit marine conservation organization that campaigns to defend, conserve and protect the world’s oceans. Jonathan Clark is the Coordinator of Sea Shepherd's Apex Harmony Campaign in Queensland, Australia.

During this episode, Jonathan talks to Matt about the methods used in Australia to control shark numbers focusing on the Queensland and New South Wales coastline. Explaining the two main methods, Drumlines and shark nets, Jono goes into detail as to how these pieces of equipment are used and the indiscriminate killing of marine life that occurs because of their presence. Developed and introduced decades ago, the drumlines and shark nets are simply designed to kill, however, they do leave many people with the belief that they aid in the safety of surfers and bathers alike. Quite the contrary. Even more so when we hear of the variety of marine life being caught up and killed by these systems. Dolphins, Turtles, Rays and even Humpback Whales are also in danger of being culled indiscriminately.

Further topics of discussion include an Australian documentary soon to be released - Envoy Shark Cull - Directed by Andre Borrell, the documentary draws on 7 years of covert footage, it is narrated by Eric Bana and features Sea Shepherd along with a number of well-known conservationists. The adversity Jono and his teams face when filming and photographing the wildlife caught in nets and on lines.

Listen in for the truth's about the control methods currently in use, the facts and figures, opinions about the contractors used to maintain them and the obvious more modern options to improve the archaic systems currently in place.

Further links:

Sea Shepherd Australia

Operation Apex Harmony

Apex Harmony Campaign on Facebook

#netsoutnow is a common tag for the Australian campaign.

Sea Shepherd survives on donations no matter how small, should you wish to support their projects please use this link to make a donation or visit the online store to purchase some merch. 

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Sea Shepherd,Jonathan Clark,nets out now,shark nets,Australia,Apex harmony,

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