His qualifications include multi-agency accreditations, such as a PADI Course Director and Technical Instructor Trainer, TDI/SDI Course Director, Instructor Trainer for RAID International (which is the world’s fastest growing and most dynamic dive agency), Raid Cave 2 Instructor, TDI Full Cave Instructor, and Advanced Trimix Instructor Trainer for all 3 agencies.
Jeff is also an instructor for the world’s 3 leading exploration rebreathers: the JJCCR, the XCCR and the SF2. He’s certified well over 1000 divers in technical, rebreather and cave diving as well as countless technical diving instructors at all levels of their diver training.
Jeff is a member of international dive teams assembled for scientific research and exploration objectives. Two of these currently include Major Projects Foundations led by Dr Matt Carter as well as Bottomline Projects, led by close friend and trusted dive buddy, Mikko Paasi.
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DIVE AND TRAVEL INSURANCE - Trust me, when the time comes and you need to get assistance, you need insurance. If you need to save money on your trip I would highly recommend trimming back elsewhere and make sure you budget for the correct insurance for safe peace of mind. We highly recommend DIVEASSURE. Click the link now to create your account (https://app.diveassure.com/#/registration/main/process/0/int/0/12627/en-intl) and start your cover.
MUSIC (legend!): Forever Young by AudioCoffee | https://www.audiocoffee.net/