Kai Steinbeck - Sunreef PADI Course Director - S01 E12

Kai Steinbeck - Sunreef PADI Course Director - S01 E12

Kai Steinbeck has been diving since the dawn of time and is now utilising his skills and experiences to pass on significant knowledge to the next generation of dive instructors.  As a PADI Course Director, Kai conducts Instructor Development Courses operating on the Sunshine Coast, Australia at Sunreef dive centre, Mooloolaba (https://sunreef.com.au/training/padi-scuba-diving/professional/)


Kai talks to Matt about his move to Mexico and quick about-turn back to Australia, suffering a Covid infection, the move to Mooloolaba and diver training.  Kai’s enthusiasm and love for diving really do shine through during this episode, a true advocate of the sport and indeed a shining example of the character required to fulfil the role of ensuring our future instructors receive the very best in training.  

For more information on professional training contact kai: 

Email: kai@diveinstructor.com.au (mailto:kai@diveinstructor.com.au)  

Website: DiveInstructor.com (https://www.diveinstructor.com.au/)

Social Media:

Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/idcwithkai/)

Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/idcwithkai/)

Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCezrTH2kTop49_z2MEo1qQQ)

Twitter  (https://twitter.com/idcwithkai)

LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/kai-steinbeck-ab9a1a1/)


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Nomadic Scuba - Matt founded Nomadic Scuba in 2017 and has been planning, providing and in some cases, leading bespoke dive trips ever since. If you have a destination in mind, or need assistance and advice then get in touch today and lets start mapping out your next scuba adventure. Send a message to Matt (https://www.nomadicscuba.com/password)

MUSIC (legend!): Forever Young by AudioCoffee | https://www.audiocoffee.net/

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