Mike Mason - The Human Diver, Australia - S03 E01

Mike Mason - The Human Diver, Australia - S03 E01

With over 20 years as a fighter pilot under his belt, Mike Mason currently teaches pilots of the Australian Air Force how to hone their skills and use the aircraft they are flying as a weapons platform.  Human Factors is used on a daily basis to achieve the goals these men strive for, so its fair to say that Human Factors is pretty much second nature to Mike.  Armed with this and Gareth Lock introducing HF to the diving industry; Mike touched base with Gareth and began to learn about the Human Diver and how he could get involved. 

Initially learning to dive in the UK, Mike now works in his spare time as a Dive Master at Lets Go Dive Adventures, Nelson Bay (https://www.letsgoadventures.com.au/) .  Following Gareth's tutorage he is also now part of the Human Diver instructional team and is bringing Human Factors to Australia.

Mike has planned a FREE introductory zoom meeting on Thursday 17th Feb at 7:30pm (AEDT) for anyone wishing to learn more about what Human Factors is and how you can get involved in the courses that Mike will be providing.  

Click here for the link to Mikes intro commencing 730pm, 17th Feb. (https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83685575132?pwd=YWJwMURYZEtHRklxOGR2WUp1dFVjQT09)

The Human Diver - Mikes biography (https://www.thehumandiver.com/meet-the-team)
The Human Diver Australia on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/THDAustralia)

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DIVE AND TRAVEL INSURANCE - Trust me, when the time comes and you need to get assistance, you need insurance. If you need to save money on your trip I would highly recommend trimming back elsewhere and make sure you budget for the correct insurance for safe peace of mind. We highly recommend DIVEASSURE. Click the link now to create your account (https://app.diveassure.com/#/registration/main/process/0/int/0/12627/en-intl) and start your cover.

MUSIC (legend!): Forever Young by AudioCoffee | https://www.audiocoffee.net/

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