Ted Talk: Find a cause worth dying for (https://www.ted.com/talks/pete_bethune_find_a_cause_worth_dying_for?language=en)
website: www.earthrace.net (http://www.earthrace.net)
Donate: https://www.earthrace.net/support/donate/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pete.bethune
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/petebethune (https://www.instagram.com/petebethune/)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/petebethune
We have recently created the Scuba Goat Network (https://www.facebook.com/groups/scubagoat) group to maintain connectivity between listeners and guests. The network will be available through the new website coming soon and is available now via Facebook, all are welcome to join.
Do you have feedback or an opinion to share with us? SMS us now. (https://www.buzzsprout.com/twilio/text_messages/1720085/open_sms)
Support the show (https://patreon.com/scubagoatpodcast?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link)
REVIEWS are fabulous and let us know that you are listening, thank you in advance for your support and taking the time to do so.
PROSPECTIVE GUESTS - 🎙️ Would you like to appear on the show?
Click on the "Guest Registration (https://the-scuba-goat-podcast.podcastpage.io/scuba-goat-podcast-registration) " link in the Header bar and let's get chatting
Nomadic Scuba - Matt founded Nomadic Scuba in 2017 and has been planning, providing and in some cases, leading bespoke dive trips ever since. If you have a destination in mind, or need assistance and advice then get in touch today and lets start mapping out your next scuba adventure. Send a message to Matt (https://www.nomadicscuba.com/password)
MUSIC (legend!): Forever Young by AudioCoffee | https://www.audiocoffee.net/